
13-year-old girl in China was Tricked after Streaming her Idol Concert


13-year-old girl in China was Tricked after Streaming her Idol Concert

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gadis 13 tahun ditipu nonton konser idola
Photo via Wiebo.

Overseasidol.com — A 13 years old girl ‘Li’ in Henan China said that he was defrauded of hundreds of thousands of yuan.

The money stored in her WeChat digital wallet is gone. He also explained the chronology of the fraud.

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The 13 year old girl said that she joined a fan group. His initial intention was to watch a rerun of the idol’s concert and he asked for help from people in the group.

The group owner said that Li daughter was a minor and caused their account to watch the concert to be suspended.

He was then asked to cooperate with the owner of the group to restore the account, otherwise he would be prosecuted in court.

Under the threat, Li then took his cell phone and transferred hundreds of thousands of yuan to the fraudster’s with WeChat digital wallet.

The scammer even blackmailed Li 12 times to send money. After learning that he was being scammed, Li immediately went to the police office.

The police tracked the flow of the fraudster’s digital wallet and it was revealed that he had traveled to many provinces across the country.

The police finally caught the culprit and forced him to return the money to Li. The girl’s idol name is kept secret by the police.

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