Overseasidol.com — Drama titled “Psychologist (女 心理 师)” which starring Yang Zi, Jing Boran, Wang Jia, and Jian Renzi will airing soon.
On September 10, the drama cast together with the Weibo Health Index in collaboration with psychological counseling professional content, released a video.
The video is about suicide prevention, which urges the public to pay attention to mental health.
According to the report “The State of Global Suicide in 2019” released by the World Health Organization, suicide is still one of the leading causes of death in the world.
As social pressures continue to increase, most people do not improve their ability to adjust to their mental state.
Compared to their own mental and psychological problems, people tend to pay more attention to physical health, so when there is confusion there is stress that interferes to their mental health.
Due to weak mental health awareness, a person’s psychological condition will continue to deteriorate.
On World Suicide Prevention Day (10/09), the five main actors of the drama gave the right tips for treating mental health according to expert theory.
They show how to ask for help when we are mentally or are having problems in the form of videos.
In addition, it is also explained how to guide or help people around us who have suicidal tendencies.
They also show what codes make someone want to commit suicide and how to communicate with people who want to end their life.
The released video is indeed in line with their drama story, which is about various mental health problems.
All players invite everyone to understand and prevent suicide, and continue to pay attention to the topic of mental health of oneself and others.